Insights and innovation - Space to think series by Infotools

Insights and innovation: The market research software and technology landscape

Exploring the various options in the market research software and technology space? This guide spans across the industry and has several key players in each part of the market research process. We hope you find it useful in your research. If there's any questions you have on this, please let us know.

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Infotools’ Space to Think series is designed to help inform insights professionals about key themes and trends in the market research industry, especially for those looking to replace or upgrade their market research software and technology. Other publications in the series include: The buyer’s guide to market research analysis and reporting software and The inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility handbook. This new paper furthers Infotools’ vision for helping researchers get the most out of their data by giving industry professionals a reference tool to learn about innovation and new technology in the ResTech space.